
Showing posts from February, 2017

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Who is Ishvara

Existence of God: Swami Vivekananda was a follower and proponent of Vedanta which mentions one God — omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. On 19 September 1893 Swami Vivekananda delivered a lecture at the Parliament of the World's Religions, Chicago, where he talked about nature of God. He preached— "He is everywhere, the pure and formless One, the Almighty and the All-merciful. "Thou art our father, Thou art our mother, Thou art our beloved friend, Thou art the source of all strength; give us strength. Thou art He that beareth the burdens of the universe; help me bear the little burden of this life." Thus sang the Rishis of the Vedas. And how to worship Him? Through love. "He is to be worshipped as the one beloved, dearer than everything in this and the next life."

Life of Ramakrishna was a "Searchlight"

Life of Ramakrishna was a "Searchlight" In November 1894, when Vivekananda was staying in the United States and was very busy in conducting public and private lectures, he wrote a letter to Alasinga Perumal (dated 30 November 1894), one of his most beloved disciple. In that letter he wrote. "The life of Shri Ramakrishna was an extraordinary searchlight under whose illumination one is able to really understand the whole scope of Hindu religion. He was the object-lesson of all the theoretical knowledge given in the Shâstras (scriptures). He showed by his life what the Rishis and Avatâras really wanted to teach. The books were theories, he was the realisation. This man had in fifty-one years lived the five thousand years of national spiritual life and so raised himself to be an object-lesson for future generations."

Sri Sri Ramkrishna Paramhansa on Swami Vivekanda

Sri Sri Ramakrishna speaks about Narendra: Pointing to Narendra, the Master said: "You all see this boy. He behaves that way here. A naughty boy seems very gentle when with his father. But he is quite another person when he plays in the chandni. Narendra and people of his type belong to the class of the everfree. They are never entangled in the world. When they grow a little older they feel the awakening of inner consciousness and go directly toward God. They come to the world only to teach others. They never care for anything of the world. They are never attached to 'woman and gold'. "The Vedas speak of the homa bird. It lives high up in the sky and there it lays its egg. As soon as the egg is laid it begins to fall; but it is so high up that it continues to fall for many days. As it falls it hatches, and the chick falls. As the chick falls its eyes open; it grows wings. As soon as its eyes open, it realizes that it is falling and will be dashed to piece...